Last Thursday, BTCPoint Bitcoin ATM machine was presented in Barcelona, in front of a whide audience. The attendance were able to interact with the ATM machine, see it’s capabilities, and purchase some Bitcoins.

Lots of questions were asked. For example:
Does the ATM accepts other cryptocurrencies?
It supports Qt-client based cryptocurrencies. The operator must provide a valid exchange, and install the client.
How does the sell procedure works?
It’s really simple. After selecting the option on the display, the user must indicate how many bitcoins wants to sell. Then the ATM prints a QR code address with the amount included. The user then must transfer the funds to the displayed address. Once the bitcoins are received and confirmed , the user scans his ticket and the machine proceeds with the payment.
Can the machine scan QR codes?
Yes, it can also read regular barcodes, private keys, addresses, etc.
Can the machine verify the user’s identity?
The operator can configure the identification mechanism. The machine can both scan documents and the face of the customer, as well as SMS validation.
What is the delivery time?
4-6 weeks from the payment date.